Get High Resolution Stock Images for $1 or less

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All but a few of the images on this website, and the print version of the magazine came from Dreamstime image bank.

The site states that it has over 10,500,000 images. There are lots of Alberta pictures, retail, business oriented, and pretty much anything you need for your website or advertising.

Just remember, if you are only using an image for a website then you can download the small version which is cheaper. For printing, get the big ones, they are about 3000 x 3000 or bigger (300dpi).

If you really want to save money, buy the one-month subscription and download up to 10 images a day. This is the cheapest way to buy 100 or more images.

When you signup and proceed to buy credits, you will see this screen:

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Choose the third option (one-month subscription). And make sure you use up your daily credits or you will lose them.