Marketing Tips for Alberta Businesses
Instead of listing the top 50 tips that you can get from any marketing or magazine website, this section will be devoted to questions and answers.
Just email your marketing question to
If the question is suitable to a broad audience then we will publish it along with our answer. We will attempt to answer all questions but due to the nature of business questions, some may be too complex to use on this site.
Questions can be on practically any marketing topic:
B2B Sales; B2C Sales; Website design; Market and Marketing Research; Branding; Internet Marketing; Print Advertising; Radio, TV, and Newspaper advertising, flyers, cold calling, product development, consumer behaviour, location strategy, pricing, promotion, and more.
Only questions relevant to small and medium Alberta businesses will be answered. All answers will be addressed to the public and not to a specific business.
Please allow 2 to 3 days for replies.